Message from Lead Pastor, Steve McMillan
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Our Annual Report is more than just a documentation of our achievements; it's an expression of gratitude to God for His guidance and blessings as we pursue our mission to help others discover and embrace Jesus Christ. This report is an opportunity to give thanks to God! It is a glimpse of what we are doing, and who we are becoming.
During the past year, we have been blessed to experience stability and growth as a congregation. Led by an exceptional Eldership and Staff team committed to our mission, we have focused on making disciples and becoming an increasingly “Beautiful Presence” for Jesus in Calgary and around the world. The result has been a steady increase in growth and impact in almost every area of ministry.
Our renewed facility has become an essential tool of service for hundreds of people each week to experience and be involved in Kingdom ministry. Our inter-generational and multi-cultural growth testifies to God’s desire for unity in a divisive world. Mentorship, education, camping, sports, drama, art, travel, support groups, and English language training are all being leveraged for the sake of Jesus to help others take their next step of faith. Our youth and children’s programming has seen a fresh focus on worship and praise and living out Jesus’ Way in a challenging culture. Our prayer ministries and teaching ministry are expanding to include partnerships with other congregations and ministries. I am amazed and thankful that God is growing our congregation into a united outpost of His Kingdom!
For the Kingdom,
Steve McMillan

The Numbers
Here are a few encouraging stats from 2023.
Avg. Sunday Attendance
Community Groups
Avg. Views per Sunday's Message/Service
(Including 15 in Israel)

The Value of Shining
Celebrating 50 Years of Ministry
In October, BVCC hosted a celebration of Terri Scruggs’ fifty years of ministry with Wycliffe Canada. With approximately 90 in attendance including friends, co-workers, and supporters from Wycliffe’s Calgary office, Rosscarrock Church of Christ, Oak Park Church of Christ, and Bow Valley, the evening was a wonderful mix of stories, music, laughter, reconnecting, and good food.
Terri spoke of how blessed she was to serve God through Wycliffe—that her life includes many wonderful experiences and people because she got to serve for years as a Bible translator in Cameroon, and then in a variety of roles in the Calgary office. While now officially retired, Terri continues to volunteer with Wycliffe.
Sandra Osborne – BVCC Director of Global
The Value of Growing
Radical Mentoring at BVCC
I have a complicated relationship with God and organized religion (the church). As a child, I believed in and experienced God. However, my life wasn't easy and included a fanatical religious group, New Age and spiritualism, domestic violence, and divorce. In the process of sorting myself out, I met Cam—a Christian.
Jesus was in pursuit, and in Easter 2021 I watched Bow Valley online. My heart was changing, and I knew God understood my complicated journey, but I wanted to remain hidden. If people knew my story I would certainly be asked to leave. I had now heard of grace, but I didn’t believe it for me—not yet.
I was invited to join Radical Mentoring. I like books so I was in! The first meeting -- “This is NOT what I meant God, be ready for a next step. I do not belong here. I just want to hide.” (I should mention that I am an adult with autism. Socializing is hard, being in a group also has its challenges.) I know I can’t continue.
God has a sense of humor. We introduce ourselves. I hear little — I’m so busy talking myself down. But then someone says “I work with kids on the spectrum….” OH, thank you God!! Now at least one person will get me. Then I hear “I also work with kids on the spectrum…” Okaaay, this is weird, what are the chances?! Someone else had a family member on the spectrum and someone else is divorced—like me. I began to, ever so slightly, feel better.
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Just to be clear—Radical Mentoring is NOT a book club. I shared my carefully hidden story. And instead of judgment, I experienced authentic real kindness. As we shared our stories, I found common ground with each woman. For the first time, I didn’t feel unredeemable. I continued--I loved the books; they were changing my life. I didn’t realize it, but I was making deep, meaningful friendships. Radical Mentoring is stretching in every possible way--uncomfortable, raw, deep, and spiritual. It rooted my faith, increased my knowledge, and provided deep connections. I am loved beyond measure. God’s grace is sufficient. I belong. I am grateful for a good God who knew which people to have in our group. I marvel at the details of it all. Radical Mentoring changed my life!
Chelsie Pyke – BVCC Member

The Value of Belonging
Maureen and I are blessed that God gave us a second chance at love. We met at Bow Valley and were married seven years ago. In 2023, we joined three Bow Valley groups. We wanted to deepen our sense of belonging with our church family.
With PrimeTime, a group for seniors, we’ve enjoyed several outings to Rosebud Theatre. Live theatre and a buffet meal with old and new friends is a good way to spend a Saturday. Ages between 50 and 80 look for these outings in 2024. Within PrimeTIme, we host the Panorama Dinner Club about five times a year. Sharing stories and laughing together means we are becoming good friends with people we barely knew.
We also help others feel welcome at BVCC. Along with Ron and Bev Nelson and Karina Cruz, we host the quarterly First Step’s luncheon. We enjoy creating a welcoming space and food for people new to Bow Valley. Another way we do this is by serving on the Hospitality team. On Sundays we get to stand at the sanctuary doors and welcome everyone as they arrive. If you like hugs and smiles, be a greeter.
Being part of a team is a special thing. Don’t let fear hold you back! Look for groups or ministries that you would enjoy, and be blessed by getting to know others at BVCC. If you don’t know us, please introduce yourself–we would love to meet you.
Jeff and Maureen Foster – BVCC Members

The Value of Investing
I love serving with the young children at Bow Valley. I like being a part of a team and feeling like I have a place to serve at the church. I adore spending time with the children and getting on their level through play, crafts, and song.
One of my most fond memories in the 2/3 room is having the sweetest little three-year-old boy pray for our snack. It will always be a moment I will cherish. For most kids that come into the 2/3 room, this is the first time that they have ever been away from their parents. I truly consider it an honour to help facilitate that experience for them, and their families.
I have enjoyed working with the young volunteers in the room getting to know them, and witnessing the Lord move in their lives.
What a blessing it is to serve Jesus!
Anonymous – BVCC Kids Volunteer
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I am glad that I can serve in BVCC in various ways. Playing piano in the worship team is always a blast and lets me worship our God freely and joyfully. The worship team allows me to work with different members to worship together with one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. Serving in the chapel services at the nearby senior's home lets me learn deeper in the Bible and share with them. As an immigrant myself, I love to help other immigrants to adapt to the new weather (dress for -40 and walk on ice), learn the culture (who are “the Flames” and who is Wayne Gretzky!), and worship and serve together in a new church.
Allan Leung – BVCC Member
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My heart is so touched by EVERY service, making BVCC my happy place for a good part of the past 30 years. This year, more than ever before, I am excited to be part of the next steps that BVCC may take - whatever those may be. My love for this church, the people, and for God never ceases to amaze me! I feel blessed to be part of a church that has so many ministries, such vibrant youth, and such incredible artistic commitment - from woodworking and culinary arts to visual arts, drama, choir, and music! Such a testimony of giving back to God what he bestowed on us! And how cool is it to be a senior and still be able to actually contribute! My heart is full!
Louise Crowe-Swords – BVCC Member

Finding and Following Jesus in Israel.

We never imagined that we would travel to Israel, but we were excited at the opportunity to visit the Holy Land with a group of our church family. We have immense gratitude for our trip leaders, Pastor Steve McMillan, Rebecca McMillan, Darryl Weir, and Debbie Ireland, who went above and beyond to ensure a meaningful, well-organized, and fun experience.

A typical day involved a 6:30 am breakfast, a 7:45 am departure on the bus, and a full day of visiting multiple sites with our wonderful tour guide Erez. We then enjoyed a buffet dinner at the hotel and explored the local area before bed. The sites we visited included Mount Carmel, Caesarea Philippi, the Mount of Beatitudes, Tabgha, Capernaum, a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives, En Gedi, Qumran, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Pool of Bethesda, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Upper Room of the Last Supper, House of Caiaphas, the Western Wall, the Temple Southern Steps, the City of David, the Valley of Elah and the Garden Tomb. We also participated in some cultural activities such as Masada, a camel ride, the Dead Sea, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, and the markets in Jerusalem.
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Walking where Jesus walked and spending time at many locations referred to in the Bible reinforced our faith. Pastor Steve’s teachings highlighted the Biblical significance of what occurred at the sites and helped us to reflect on the applications to our own lives. Reading the Bible will never be the same, as we are able to picture where many of the stories and miracles took place. Several group members were baptized in the Jordan River at Yardenit, a very peaceful location. Our time in the Garden of Gethsemane was very emotional, as Pastor Steve helped us to reflect on the decision made by Jesus to accept His suffering out of His love for us. While at the Garden Tomb, we also contemplated the sacrifice made by Jesus as we took communion. We hold these experiences in our hearts.

Another highlight of our journey was the group itself, and our deeper connection to our church family. The acts of love and kindness shown within the group were heartwarming. Whether it was to lend an arm on the stairs, to carry a bag, to give assistance to trek through Hezekiah’s ancient water tunnels or to stay at the back of the group to ensure that no one was left behind, there was always someone there to help. Discussing the day’s activities and sharing perspectives with other group members enhanced the experience. We shared many meals, many laughs, and a few tears. Our travel companions now feel like family. Our trip to Israel was truly life-changing and we thank BVCC for offering this opportunity.
Jackie & Amy

Foyer Enhancement Project
From July through October 2023, our Foyer underwent a transformational project to update the look and functionality of the space. A primary goal was to create a welcoming environment for both visitors and regular attendees, improve signage, and improve communication of events and activities in our busy facility.
Highlights included:
- new digital screens for service live streams
- promoting and getting registrations for events
- providing direction to different areas of the building
- a new Welcome Centre area and kiosk
- three designated seating areas with new soft furniture and matching tables
- a new Community Wall / downtown Calgary mural
- new décor and updated paint / colours throughout
- a re-branding of the Bow Coffee Shop including new furniture and décor
- new fireplace mantle and whitewashed rock
- new shelving / coat racks
- new “Sunday coffee” kiosk.
Before Pictures

After Pictures

Livestream Platforms
Without a doubt, live streaming our Sunday worship gatherings is the first impression most have of Bow Valley Christian Church. We continue to experience strong viewership with twice as many people watching the service after it broadcasts compared to watching it live.
To many of our viewers, watching online serves as a means to get and stay connected while otherwise there would be no way to do so. The top four locations of our viewers are Canada, the United States, India, and Israel — in that order! Our gratitude continues to the many volunteers who provide a great online experience every week for those unable to attend our live service.
BVCC Global acts on behalf of Bow Valley Christian Church as we support our ministry partners with prayer and finances. The 2023 Global brochure provides a brief introduction to ministries and individuals that we support financially each month.

Pine Lake Christian Camp
Pine Lake Christian Camp (PLCC) is a summer destination for many BVCC children, youth, and adults. As well, many BVCC youth and young adults develop leadership skills as they work at camp during the summer. In 2023, BVCC Global provided an additional financial gift to PLCC to help address the financial shortfall that occurred because of fewer government grants used for the wages of summer staff. The Kingdom-influence of these young leaders now and in the future is one of the reasons we value our partnership with PLCC.

India Mission
BVCC Global was happy to financially assist Mareesa as she spent six weeks in India learning and serving alongside her grandpa Ray McMillan and others on this mission team. During high school, Mareesa demonstrated her love of kids and teaching through BVCC’s Kid’s Connect. Those loves were “fanned into flame” in India and she came home even more certain that God is calling her to teach young children. BVCC’s investment in Mareesa bore fruit in India—and we are confident that her Kingdom-influence will continue.
BVCC Refugee Sponsorship Team Update
Abde, Rangin, and Jala (who arrived in Canada Nov. 2021) welcomed baby Esther in March 2023. Their Sponsorship contract was completed in 2022 and they continue to build their new life here with language studies and part-time work. Abde recently joined our team and brings valuable insight and perspective.
A, B & Z also welcomed a Canadian - little M was born last August! This past December the family completed their sponsorship contract. B has been working full-time since last summer. English language classes are backed up so they are looking forward to starting those in 2024.
The family of Mohamad (Jamal) Hammoud should be landing in Canada in the next few months. Jamal was the first young man BVCC sponsored and it is good that his dad, mom, sister, brother, and cousin can join him in Canada. We co-sponsored this family with Mohammad and his two aunts, and they will be taking on the housing and settlement of the family.
We are also awaiting the arrival of a persecuted Syrian Orthodox priest, his wife, and two young daughters who have been accepted into Canada. We co-sponsored them with their family here in Calgary, along with Calgary Catholic Immigration Services (CCIS), committing $15,000 in support. Their family in Calgary will provide housing and settlement support when they arrive.
Members of the refugee team have also befriended and assisted some of the Ukrainian refugees who have arrived at BVCC.
The refugee team is actively working on our next sponsorships and looks forward to sharing them with the congregation once confirmed.
2023 Financials
We are so thankful for our faithful, generous, and committed donors that support our work for His Kingdom! For audited Financial Statements, please contact our church office or pick up a copy at the Welcome Centre in the foyer.
Total Income
(including rentals and other income)
Total Expenses
Global Income
Global Expenses
* includes designated mission contributions, Philippine Mission Trip, and Refugees Fund
Reserve Fund
Giving Testimonials
Jesus tells us "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
(Matthew 6:21)
So for us, giving is a form of worship and acknowledges God’s generosity towards us in providing us with every breath, every relationship, and all of our material things.
Giving to our church is an investment in His kingdom in Calgary, and around the world, and the leadership at BVCC has demonstrated strong stewardship principles with the resources that have been entrusted to them for many years.
A & L - BVCC Members
My wife and I have been attending Bow Valley Christian Church since 1983. We very quickly realized that, through God, we had found our church family. We’ve supported Bow Valley in many ways since then including financially.
In the beginning, we did not think we could afford to tithe but over the years God provided opportunities for us to increase our giving and we took those opportunities. Through God’s faithfulness, we have been able to tithe and oftentimes even beyond for decades now and have yet to out-give God.
We are blessed beyond anything we could have ever imagined and we mean not just financially.
Anonymous – BVCC Members
Contact Us
If I have a question or comment about our finances or ministries who do I speak to?
The leadership and staff want to hear from you at any time of the year! Please call (403-286-5300) or email the office ([email protected]) and we will direct you to the person who can answer your questions. If you would like to have a conversation regarding a specific area, consider these options:
Finances: [email protected]
Elders: [email protected]
Global: [email protected]
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Those wishing to become a member of Bow Valley Christian Church community can find out more on our membership page.
If you have any other questions, let us know.
Ways to Give
Every dollar given to BVCC goes to support ministry to our church members, to our local community and to our partners around the world. We could not do this without you. Our leadership is overwhelmingly grateful for your financial partnership in the gospel. We look expectantly to the next year of ministering together.
PreAuthorized Giving
We can help you set up automatic bank withdrawal. You decide how much and how often. Click here to start setting this up.
Just follow these steps:
1. Go to the Interac eTransfer section of your online bank account.
2. Add Bow Valley Christian Church as a new e-transfer contact and use the email address [email protected]
3. Don’t bother with a security question as BVCC has an auto-deposit set up.
4. To properly attribute and receipt your donation in your Message section please include the following as you make the transfer:
- For new donors include your name, home address, phone number, email, and Designation.
- For existing donors include your name, email, and Designation.
- Designation examples include but are not limited to: General Fund, Missions, Benevolence, Building Fund, Refugee Sponsorship, Parking, Rental ...
5. If you are unable to submit all of your personal info in the Message section or have additional questions, please send a separate email with your contact details and donation amount to [email protected]
You can mail your envelope with a cheque or just swing by and drop it off in our security box.
Have a credit card? Come by and tap it to make donation. We can debate who decides the amount. 8)