BVCC Men, a men's ministry within Bow Valley Christian Church, serves as a place for men to come together, grow in their faith, support one another, and actively contribute to the church's mission — helping people find and follow Jesus.

Men’s Community Groups

We have men-only community groups that you can join. You can find those here (note: search for the tag "Men").

We are also looking to form new groups for men. If you are interested in leading, or joining? Contact Joe at 403 612 2586.

Men s group bible study discussing scripture and praying 5760x3840
23 09 22 Mens Retreat

Men’s Big Events

Each year we host three big events. Our next one is a men's retreat.

  • September 22-24, 2023, Men’s Retreat Pine Lake Christian Camp, Pine Lake, Alberta.

Radical Mentoring Groups

A mentoring process that equips men to develop authentic relationships and overcome the issues holding them back from living life to the full. Contact Pastor Steve McMillan or Cal Hultgren at the church, 403 286 5300.

Men reading bibles at a men s group bible study 5760x3840

Men’s Rules of Engagement

A program to enable men to learn and master 7 areas in a man’s life.

  • Saturdays, 8:00 am, starting September 30, 2023, at Centre Street Church. Contact John Knibbe, 403 680 2337

BVCC Men’s Golf

Like golf? A great to connect with guys is on the greens. Click here for more info contact Andrew Kobe, 403 286 5357, or Chris Kobe, 403 280 0107.

Man putting golf ball in the hole on a putting green 5616x3744
Joe Murphy

Joe Murphy is overseeing the leadership team for BVCC Men.
