Bringing Families To Safety
What would it feel like to be a refugee and leave everything? What would it feel like to feel unsafe?
- for yourself
- for your family
Most of us will never know or experience this reality. Learn about the families we as Bow Valley Christian Church are sponsoring.
Our Opportunity
We have a unique opportunity to unleash Jesus' love as we welcome families to Canada.
What can we do?
- Pray for their safety and perseverance.
- Give your time: befriending, teaching, serving, organizing, volunteering and more.
- Increase your awareness of the persecution of our Christian brothers and sisters
- Donate gifts & funds.

Our Need
We are in need of a place to store donated household furniture and goods until these families arrive in Calgary. Are you able to donate long-term storage space in a climate-controlled environment?
We need more dedicated people to join our Team. We especially need people who have daytime availability to accompany people on appointments, and to assist new families in a variety of ways that help teach them about how to live in Calgary.
We need families of peers to come and walk alongside these newcomers and assist them with their adjustment to their new home.

Update on our Financial Goal
BVCC commits to supporting families for a minimum of one year. The financial commitment is sometimes shared with extended family already here in Canada and sometimes BVCC provides full financial support for one year. Each family’s situation is unique. See the profile for each family below.
The government stipulates a minimum amount of financial support that must be given to each family. That minimum means the family is living below the poverty line. BVCC is committed to providing each family with more than that minimum. Also, unexpected, and necessary, expenses (eg. Dental costs) frequently arise and BVCC endeavours to assist families with these unexpected expenses when possible.
Your continued financial contributions to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund are needed and greatly appreciated.
We thank God for His provision through your generosity.

A, B, Z & M
Update: 2024-Feb
This family just recently celebrated their first Anniversary of living in Calgary.
For their safety, any communication that is posted to the web will still refer to them as ABZM and no pictures of them will be posted. Protecting their names and current location is critical for their safety.
Khalid, Enaam, Noor, Ahmed & Wajdy
We are co-sponsoring the refugee applications of Jamal's immediate family and cousin with him and his aunts who live in Calgary. Jamal, a young man originally from Syria, was the first refugee Bow Valley sponsored. He arrived in Canada in 2019 and has done very well for himself. He is currently enrolled in university to finish his degree.
The applications for these family members have been submitted and are in the earliest stages. We anticipate a 1 to 2-year wait before their arrival.
Pray for their protection and safety. Pray that God’s love would be evident to Jamal and his aunts here in Calgary as we work with them to bring their family members to safety.

Syrian Family
This family of 4 is from Syria. Wassim is a priest in the Orthodox Church. The family experienced persecution in Syria because of their Christian faith and Wassim had several attempts on his life. They fled to Lebanon, where they are currently in asylum.
Life in Lebanon is not easy. Syrians are not welcome there and are persecuted. He is unable to find work. They were robbed of all their money and possessions. The children are not able to go to school. Church members provided them with housing, but they struggle to provide food for the family.
Bow Valley Christian Church is sponsoring them in collaboration with other family members who are currently here in Calgary. We have the committed amount of $15,000 to support this family on arrival. They have been accepted to come to Canada and we anticipate their arrival in the next 6 – 8 months.
Pray for this family. For their safety. Provision of basic needs. That their faith would remain strong and grow stronger during this time of waiting.
Akhgar Family (from Afghanistan)
BVCC is no longer involved with this family as the relative with whom we were co-sponsoring, was relocated to British Columbia. The Sponsorship Agreement Holder has found another group in British Columbia willing to help with their resettlement.